Get in touch

We are happy to help you with your electrical license renewal, just use the form below and we will be in touch with you ASAP. We’re available from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET to take your call, but sometimes we are in a meeting and email is faster because there is more people staffing this area. An assistance request is best handled through this form.

Contact Info

East Coast Office:
4002 Barrett Dr. Unit 204
Raleigh, NC 27609

West Coast Office:
6203 San Ignacio Ave
Suite 110, #1127
San Jose, CA 95119

Call us toll free
(855) LOG-CEUS
(855) 564–2387


Quick Contact


This is for questions about your account, items, courses, fees, notifications, and other general questions related to your electrical license renewal.

This is for question or comments about the electrical continuing education course's content. Anything about code or code-related topics go here.

This is for any adverse issues you may experience during your time on the website, in the courses, during payment, or anywhere really.