Our Team

Every team member here at ElectricalLicenseRenewal.com is a seasoned industry professional. The idea is to get as many well- to overly-qualified instructors who have the extensive knowledge you can learn to trust as we can.

The master electrician content writers hold a great many credentials both nationally and locally. We have senior content writers from both residential and commercial settings, who have run their own companies on one side and have been electrical inspectors on the other, have worked in both public and private sectors, and many who currently hold prominent posts in various positions around the country.

We have Licensed Electricians, Electrical Contractors, Master Electricians, Licensed Electrical Inspectors, Supervising Electrical Inspectors, Chief Electrical Inspectors, Senior Electrical Inspectors, Level 3 Electrical Inspectors, NEC Instructors, NEC College-Level Instructors, Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) Association Instructors, International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) Educators, IAEI Certified Master Electrical Inspectors, International Code Council (ICC) Master Code Professionals, and too many electrical and industry related certifications to even list!

And that's just the subject matter experts! Even our team members that answer the phone, assist with the courses, notify the boards, get courses approved, perform the server work, code the programming, do the database management, and those that perform the marketing have over a decade of electrical license renewal & electrical continuing education experience!

Our System

With our easy courseware system you can avoid any computer hassles during your course. This way you can get your course done in just the time required without a bunch of extra messing around getting it to work. Sometimes taking a course on a phone can be harder than on a laptop.

Overall Value

Finally, to top it all off we have the absolute lowest prices and daily reporting for free. Nobody else even comes close! We feel this robust combination of content experience, technical prowess, uniqueness, and price point will provide you with the best renewal experience possible here at ElectricalLicenseRenewal.com.

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