551.2 Definitions.

A Marina Power Outlet is an enclosed assembly that can include equipment such as receptacles, circuit breakers, fused switches, fuses, a watt-hour meter(s), panelboards, and monitoring means identified for marina use.
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A Marina Power Outlet is an enclosed assembly that can include equipment such as receptacles, circuit breakers, fused switches, fuses, a watt-hour meter(s), panelboards, and monitoring means identified for marina use.

Code Change Summary: New definitions in Article 555.

In the 2020 NEC®, many new definitions were added to article 555 to make the application of the article much easier.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2020 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2020 Code Language:

555.2 Definitions.

N Berth. The water space to be occupied by a boat or other vessel alongside or between bulkheads, piers, piles, fixed and floating docks, or any similar access structure. (See also Slip.) [303:3.3.1]

N Boatyard. A facility used for constructing, repairing, servicing, hauling from the water, storing (on land and in water), and launching of boats. [303:3.3.2]

N Bulkhead. A vertical structural wall, usually of stone, timber, metal, concrete, or synthetic material, constructed along, and generally parallel to, the shoreline to retain earth as an extension of the upland, and often to provide suitable water depth at the waterside face.

N Crane. A mechanical device used for lifting or moving boats.

Marina Power Outlet. An enclosed assembly that can include equipment such as receptacles, circuit breakers, fused switches, fuses, a watt-hour meter(s), panelboards, and monitoring means identified for marina use.

N Monorail. Overhead track and hoist system for moving material around the boatyard or moving and launching boats.

N Mooring(s). Any place where a boat is wet stored or berthed.

N Shore Power. The electrical equipment required to power a floating vessel including, but not limited to, the receptacle and cords.

N Slip. A berthing space between or adjacent to piers, wharves, or docks; the water areas associated with boat occupation.

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551.2 Definitions.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on the 2020 NEC, which of the following is true?

A: A Boatyard is any place where a boat is wet stored or berthed.
B: Shore Power includes the electrical equipment required to power a floating vessel including, but not limited to, the receptacle and cords.
C: Shore Power includes the electrical equipment required to power a floating vessel, not including the receptacle and cords.
D: A Boatyard is the water space to be occupied by a boat or other vessel alongside or between bulkheads.
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