517.30(C) Location of Essential Electrical System Components.

When tornados, hurricanes, or other catastrophic disasters occur, a local hospital can quickly become the epicenter of care for the injured and can also become a community gathering point.
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When tornados, hurricanes, or other catastrophic disasters occur, a local hospital can quickly become the epicenter of care for the injured and can also become a community gathering point.

Code Change Summary: The code language on the location of essential electrical system components in a health care facility has been expanded and formatted into a list.

When tornados, hurricanes, or other catastrophic disasters occur, a local hospital can quickly become the epicenter of care for the injured and can also become a community gathering point.

It is critical for health care facility designers, installers, and inspectors to consider all potential threats when considering an acceptable location for the components and equipment serving the essential electrical system in a health care facility.

In the 2020 NEC®, the language in 517.30(C) was reorganized and expanded to require essential electrical system components to be protected from all viable threats including manmade causes.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2020 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2017 Code Language:

517.30(C) Location of Essential Electrical System Components. Essential electrical system components shall be located to minimize interruptions caused by natural forces common to the area (e.g., storms, floods, earthquakes, or hazards created by adjoining structures or activities). Installations of electrical services shall be located to reduce possible interruption of normal electrical services resulting from similar causes as well as possible disruption of normal electrical service due to internal wiring and equipment failures. Feeders shall be located to provide physical separation of the feeders of the alternate source and from the feeders of the normal electrical source to prevent possible simultaneous interruption.

2020 Code Language:

517.30(C) Location of Essential Electrical System Components. Essential electrical system components shall be located to minimize interruptions caused by natural forces common to the area (e.g., storms, floods, earthquakes, or hazards created by adjoining structures or activities).

N (1) Services. Installation of electrical service distribution equipment shall be located to reduce possible interruption of normal electrical services resulting from natural or manmade causes as well as possible disruption of normal electrical services due to internal wiring and equipment failures.

N (2) Feeders. Feeders shall be located to provide physical separation of the feeders of the alternate source and from the feeders of the normal electrical source to prevent possible simultaneous interruption.

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517.30(C) Location of Essential Electrical System Components.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Which of the following is required regarding the location of essential electrical system components?

A: Feeders shall be located to provide physical separation of the feeders of the alternate source.
B: Essential electrical system components shall be located to maximize interruptions caused by natural forces.
C: Branch circuits shall be located to reduce possible interruption resulting from equipment failures.
D: Feeders shall be located to reduce possible interruption resulting from equipment failures.
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