Code Change Summary: New code language regarding emergency shutdown of the prime mover.
In the 2020 NEC®, language was accepted to separate the requirements for the shutdown of a generator’s prime mover (engine) into two categories: one providing rules for remote emergency shutdown and one providing rules for emergency shutdown in one- and two-family dwelling units
The first change requires a remote emergency stop switch to shut down the prime mover for any generator rated greater than 15 kW regardless of occupancy type where the generator is installed. The remote emergency stop switch must be located outside the equipment room or generator enclosure and be equipped with provisions to disable all prime mover start circuits, rendering the prime mover incapable of starting. Additionally, it shall initiate a shutdown mechanism that requires a mechanical reset. This emergency stop switch is not required to be lockable unless it is also used as the generator disconnecting means required in 445.18(A).
The second change requires an emergency shutdown device in an outdoor, readily accessible location for permanently installed generators at one- and two-family dwelling units. This new rule is required regardless of generator size.
The above language on emergency shutdown is an attempt to provide first responders with a way to kill all power to a premises (both utility and generator) to ensure shock hazards do not exist when they enter.
Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2020 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.
2017 Code Language:
445.18 Disconnecting Means and Shutdown of Prime Mover.
(A) Disconnecting Means. Generators other than cord-and-plug- connected portable shall have one or more disconnecting means. Each disconnecting means shall simultaneously open all associated ungrounded conductors. Each disconnecting means shall be lockable in the open position in accordance with 110.25.
(B) Shutdown of Prime Mover. Generators shall have provisions to shut down the prime mover. The means of shutdown shall comply with all of the following:
(1) Be equipped with provisions to disable all prime mover start control circuits to render the prime mover incapable of starting
(2) Initiate a shutdown mechanism that requires a mechanical reset
The provisions to shut down the prime mover shall be permitted to satisfy the requirements of 445.18(A) where it is capable of being locked in the open position in accordance with 110.25.
Generators with greater than 15 kW rating shall be provided with an additional requirement to shut down the prime mover. This additional shutdown means shall be located outside the equipment room or generator enclosure and shall also meet the requirements of 445.18(B)(1) and (B)(2).
2020 Code Language:
445.18 Disconnecting Means and Emergency Shutdown.
(A) Disconnecting Means. Generators other than cord-and-plug-connected portable generators shall have one or more disconnecting means. Each disconnecting means shall simultaneously open all associated ungrounded conductors. Each disconnecting means shall be lockable open in accordance with 110.25.
(B) Emergency Shutdown of Prime Mover. Generators shall have provisions to shut down the prime mover. The means of shutdown shall comply with all of the following:
(1) Be equipped with provisions to disable all prime mover start control circuits to render the prime mover incapable of starting
(2) Initiate a shutdown mechanism that requires a mechanical reset
The provisions to shut down the prime mover shall be permitted to satisfy the requirements of 445.18(A) where it is capable of being locked in the open position in accordance with 110.25.
N (C) Remote Emergency Shutdown. Generators with greater than 15 kW rating shall be provided with a remote emergency stop switch to shut down the prime mover. The remote emergency stop switch shall be located outside the equipment room or generator enclosure and shall also meet the requirements of 445.18(B)(1) and (B)(2).
N (D) Emergency Shutdown in One- and Two-Family Dwelling Units. For other than cord-and-plug-connected portable generators, an emergency shutdown device shall be located outside the dwelling unit at a readily accessible location.
Which of the following permanently installed generators requires a remote emergency stop switch to shut down the prime mover?
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