Code Change Summary: New code section addresses the reconditioning of switchboards, switchgear and panelboards.
The NEC® does not prohibit installing used, reconditioned electrical equipment, but Section 104.9.1 of the International Building Code requires the following:
104.9.1 Used materials and equipment. Materials that are reused shall comply with the requirements of this code for new materials. Used equipment and devices shall not be reused unless approved by the building official.
In the 2020 NEC®, a movement has occurred throughout the code book regarding what can and cannot be reconditioned.
Reconditioning of electrical equipment means restoring something to operating conditions. Typically, when this is permitted by the NEC®, the equipment is required to be rebuilt to the most current UL standard which would apply to new equipment. It would be far from code compliant to purchase a 1950’s multisection switchboard and clean it up to reuse it unless it was completely restored by an authorized person and evaluated to the most current UL standard that applies to a new switchboard.
In the 2020 NEC®, the rules for reconditioning of switchboards, switchgear and panelboards is summed up as follows:
Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2020 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.
2017 Code Language:
This code section did not exist.
2020 Code Language:
N 408.8 Reconditioning of Equipment. Reconditioning of equipment within the scope of this article shall be limited as described in 408.8(A) and (B). The reconditioning process shall use design qualified parts verified under applicable standards and be performed in accordance with any instructions provided by the manufacturer. If equipment has been damaged by fire, products of combustion, or water, it shall be specifically evaluated by its manufacturer or a qualified testing laboratory prior to being returned to service.
N 408.8(A) Panelboards. Panelboards shall not be permitted to be reconditioned. This shall not prevent the replacement of a panelboard within an enclosure. In the event the replacement has not been listed for the specific enclosure and the available fault current is greater than 10,000 amperes, the completed work shall be field labeled, and any previously applied listing marks on the cabinet that pertain to the panelboard shall be removed.
N 408.8(B) Switchboards and Switchgear. Switchboards and switchgear, or sections of switchboards or switchgear, shall be permitted to be reconditioned. Reconditioned switchgear shall be listed or field labeled as reconditioned, and previously applied listing marks, if any, within the portions reconditioned shall be removed.
Based on the 2020 NEC, which of the following is true?
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