225.30(B) Common Supply Equipment.

Where feeder conductors originate in the same panelboard, switchboard, or other distribution equipment, and each feeder terminates in a single disconnecting means, not more than six feeders shall be permitted.
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Where feeder conductors originate in the same panelboard, switchboard, or other distribution equipment, and each feeder terminates in a single disconnecting means, not more than six feeders shall be permitted.

Code Change Summary: New code section permits more than one feeder to supply a building.

The general rule in the parent text of 225.30 is to allow a building or structure to be supplied by no more than one branch circuit or feeder. The conditions that follow the parent text allow more than one branch circuit or feeder for special situations.

In the 2020 NEC®, Section 225.30(B) was revised to allow multiple feeders originating in the same panelboard, switchboard, or other distribution equipment, and terminating in a single disconnecting means at the load end.

Part of the new allowance requires that the language in 225.33 permitting up to six disconnects per feeder, cannot be used. If 225.33 was permitted, then there could literally be up to 36 disconnect switches grouped at a location on a building that the first responder would have to de-energize during an emergency.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2020 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2017 Code Language:

This code section did not exist.

2020 Code Language:

N 225.30(B) Common Supply Equipment. Where feeder conductors originate in the same panelboard, switchboard, or other distribution equipment, and each feeder terminates in a single disconnecting means, not more than six feeders shall be permitted. Where more than one feeder is installed in accordance with this section, all feeder disconnects supplying the building or structure shall be grouped in the same location, and the requirements of 225.33 shall not apply. Each disconnect shall be marked to indicate the load served.

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225.30(B) Common Supply Equipment.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

When using the new language in 225.30(B), which of the following is required?

A: All feeders must terminate to a single enclosure at the remote building.
B: At least one feeder disconnect supplying the building or structure shall be grouped where the feeder originates.
C: The feeder conductors must originate in the same panelboard, switchboard, or other distribution equipment.
D: The feeder conductors must terminate to the same panelboard on the load side.
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