Code Change Summary: Reorganized code language on receptacle placement in kitchens, pantries, breakfast rooms, dining rooms, and similar areas of dwelling units.
In the 2020 NEC®, the rules on receptacle locations in kitchens, pantries, breakfast rooms, dining rooms, and similar areas of dwelling units have been reorganized to make the requirements a bit more user friendly. The previous requirements have not really changed but are much easier to read.
In a kitchen for example, the following rules will apply:
Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2020 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.
2017 Code Language:
210.52(C)(5) Receptacle Outlet Location. Receptacle outlets shall be located on or above, but not more than 500 mm (20 in.) above, the countertop or work surface. Receptacle outlet assemblies listed for use in countertops or work surfaces shall be permitted to be installed in countertops or work surfaces. Receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by appliances fastened in place, appliance garages, sinks, or range tops as covered in 210.52(C)(1),
Exception, or appliances occupying dedicated space shall not be considered as these required outlets.
Informational Note: See 406.5(E) and 406.5(G) for requirements for installation of receptacles in countertops and 406.5(F) and 406.5(G) for requirements for installation of receptacles in work surfaces.
Exception to (5): To comply with the following conditions (1) and (2), receptacle outlets shall be permitted to be mounted not more than 300 mm (12 in.) below the countertop or work surface. Receptacles mounted below a countertop or work surface in accordance with this exception shall not be located where the countertop or work surface extends more than 150 mm (6 in.) beyond its support base.
(1) Construction for the physically impaired
(2) On island and peninsular countertops or work surface where the surface is flat across its entire surface (no backsplashes, dividers, etc.) and there are no means to mount a receptacle within 500 mm (20 in.) above the countertop or work surface, such as an overhead cabinet
2020 Code Language:
210.52(C)(3) Receptacle Outlet Location.
Receptacle outlets shall be located in one or more of the following:
(1) On or above countertop or work surfaces: On or above, but not more than 500 mm (20 in.) above, the countertop or work surface.
(2) In countertop or work surfaces: Receptacle outlet assemblies listed for use in countertops or work surfaces shall be permitted to be installed in countertops or work surfaces.
(3) Below countertop or works surfaces: Not more than 300 mm (12 in.) below the countertop or work surface. Receptacles installed below a countertop or work surface shall not be located where the countertop or work surface extends more than 150 mm (6 in.) beyond its support base.
Receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by appliances fastened in place, appliance garages, sinks, or range tops as covered in 210.52(C)(1), Exception, or appliances occupying assigned spaces shall not be considered as these required outlets.
Based on the 2020 NEC, which of the following is true?
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