110.12(C) Mechanical Execution of Work. Cables and Conductors.

Cables and conductors installed exposed on the surfaces of ceilings and sidewalls shall be supported by the building structure in such a manner that the cables and conductors will not be damaged by normal building use.
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Cables and conductors installed exposed on the surfaces of ceilings and sidewalls shall be supported by the building structure in such a manner that the cables and conductors will not be damaged by normal building use.

Code Change Summary: New code section.

This new code section was an attempt to relocate requirements from Sections 725.24, 760.24, 770.24, 800.24, 820.24, 830.24, and 840.24 to a new Section 110.12(C) in hopes to improve the usability of NEC® Chapters 7 and 8. The result was the addition of new Section 110.12(C) and also the retention of the existing code sections above with some sections receiving additional modifications or a new informational note.

Now, the 2020 NEC® will have this new requirement that will apply generally to all cables and conductors throughout all of the chapters even though each individual NEC® article may have additional requirements that are very similar or even more specific.

It is likely that this new section will see additional revisions in the 2023 code cycle.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2020 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2017 Code Language:

This code section did not exist.

2020 Code Language:

N 110.12(C) Cables and Conductors. Cables and conductors installed exposed on the surfaces of ceilings and sidewalls shall be supported by the building structure in such a manner that the cables and conductors will not be damaged by normal building use. Such cables and conductors shall be secured by hardware including straps, staples, cable ties, hangers, or similar fittings designed and installed so as not to damage the cable. The installation shall also conform with 300.4 and 300.11. Nonmetallic cable ties and other nonmetallic cable accessories used to secure and support cables in other spaces used for environmental air (plenums) shall be listed as having low smoke and heat release properties.

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110.12(C) Mechanical Execution of Work. Cables and Conductors.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on the 2020 NEC, which of the following is true?

A: Straps are not permitted as a means of support.
B: Cable ties that support cables must be metal.
C: Cables and conductors shall be secured by hardware including straps, staples, cable ties, hangers, or similar fittings designed and installed so as not to damage the cable.
D: Nonmetallic cable ties used to secure and support cables in plenums shall be listed as having high smoke and heat release properties.
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