NFPA 731 General Definitions. Verification.

Remote Video Verification (RVV) is an attempt by monitoring station personnel to establish that an emergency exists by watching video received from the protected premises.
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Remote Video Verification (RVV) is an attempt by monitoring station personnel to establish that an emergency exists by watching video received from the protected premises.

Chapter 3 of NFPA 731 contains general definitions used in the standard. It is important to understand the meaning of the word “Verification” as it is used in NFPA 731.

Verification refers to validating or establishing that an emergency exists at a protected premises through one or more of the specific methods mentioned in the text below.

Below is a sample of NFPA 731. For the complete section, see the actual NFPA 731 text at NFPA.ORG. Once there, click on the free access link to the latest edition of NFPA 731.

3.3.30 Verification. Enhanced Call Verification (ECV). The attempt by monitoring station personnel to establish that an emergency exists at the protected premises by means of two or more verification calls. Multiple Trip Verification (MTV). A method to validate an alarm signal by any of the following: (1) connection of sensors in a manner such that more than one sensor must be in alarm before an alarm signal is transmitted to the monitoring station, or (2) verification algorithm in a premises security system that interprets multiple sensor inputs, or (3) procedural methods or programs employed by monitoring station personnel to interpret multiple alarm signals from a protected premises. Remote Audio Verification (RAV). The attempt by monitoring station personnel to establish that an emergency exists at the protected premises by listening to live audio feed from the protected premises. Remote Video Verification (RVV). The attempt by monitoring station personnel to establish that an emergency exists at the protected premises by watching video received from the protected premises.

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NFPA 731 General Definitions. Verification.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Which of the following definitions is the attempt by monitoring station personnel to establish that an emergency exists at the protected premises by listening to live audio feed from the protected premises?

A: Remote Audio Verification (RAV).
B: Remote Video Verification (RVV).
C: Multiple Trip Verification (MTV).
D: Enhanced Call Verification (ECV).
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