F.S. 553.71 Definitions. As used in this part, the term:
(1) “Commission” means the Florida Building Commission created by this part.
(2) “Department” means the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
(3) “Housing code” means any code or rule intending postconstruction regulation of structures which would include, but not be limited to: standards of maintenance, condition of facilities, condition of systems and components, living conditions, occupancy, use, and room sizes.
(4) “Load management control device” means any device installed by any electric utility or its contractors which temporarily interrupts electric service to major appliances, motors, or other electrical systems contained within the buildings or on the premises of consumers for the purpose of reducing the utility’s system demand as needed in order to prevent curtailment of electric service in whole or in part to consumers and thereby maintain the quality of service to consumers, provided the device is in compliance with a program approved by the Florida Public Service Commission.
(5) “Local enforcement agency” means an agency of local government, a local school board, a community college board of trustees, or a university board of trustees in the State University System with jurisdiction to make inspections of buildings and to enforce the codes which establish standards for design, construction, erection, alteration, repair, modification, or demolition of public or private buildings, structures, or facilities.
(6) “Local technical amendment” means an action by a local governing authority that results in a technical change to the Florida Building Code and its local enforcement.
Which of the following terms describes a device installed by any electric utility or its contractors which temporarily interrupts electric service to major appliances, motors, or other electrical systems contained within the buildings or on the premises of consumers for the purpose of reducing the utility’s system demand?
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