WAC 296-46B-690 Solar Photovoltaic Systems.

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WAC 296-46B-690 Solar Photovoltaic Systems.

004 Installation.

(2) Support structure or foundation. For the purposes of this section those portions of the structural support or foundation that are exclusively mechanical and are not a part of a bonding or grounding path will not be considered part of the photovoltaic system as defined by this section. Such structural support or foundation may be done by the owner, registered general contractor, or licensed electrical contractor without electrical permit or inspection.

(3) A photovoltaic system design review defined in WAC 296-46B-100 must be available at the installation site at the time of the first inspection and until the inspection process is complete.

(4) The entity placing a building integrated cell, module, panel, or array is not subject to the requirements for electrical inspection, licensing, or certification so long as the work is limited to the placement and securing of the device and an electrical work permit has been previously obtained for the electrical work related to the equipment by an entity authorized to do that electrical work.

(5) All electrical work, including wiring installation, terminations, etc. necessary to complete the electrical installations must be completed by the entity authorized to do the electrical work (i.e. owner or appropriate electrical contractor).

007 Maximum voltage.

(6) The open-circuit voltage temperature coefficients supplied in the instructions of listed photovoltaic modules will be used to determine the maximum direct current photovoltaic system voltage. Otherwise the voltage will be calculated using Table 690.7 of the NEC®. For the purposes of this calculation, a temperature correction factor of 1.25 will be used unless another factor can be justified and is approved by the authority having jurisdiction.

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WAC 296-46B-690 Solar Photovoltaic Systems.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

In Washington, which of the following is true regarding the DC PV system voltage?

A: PV modules provided with a temperature coefficient from the manufacturer shall use NEC Table 690.7 instead.
B: PV system voltage is based on the number of parallel connected PV strings.
C: Cold weather voltage calculations are applied to the short circuit current value of a DC PV module.
D: When using NEC Table 690.7, a temperature correction factor of 1.25 will be used unless another factor can be justified and is approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
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