WAC 296-46B-555 Marinas, boatyards, and commercial and noncommercial docking facilities.
(1) For the purposes of NEC® 555.7, transformer terminations must be located a minimum of 12 inches above the deck of a dock (datum plane requirements do not apply for this section).
(2) For the purposes of NEC® 555.4, adjacent means within sight.
(3) For the purposes of NEC® 555.30, all electrical connections must be installed a minimum of 12 inches above the deck of a pier unless the connections are within junction boxes identified for wet locations, utilizing sealed wire connector systems listed and identified for submersion (datum plane requirements do not apply for this section).
(4) For the purposes of NEC® 555.31, all enclosures of a type referenced in NEC® 110.28 must be marked with an enclosure type number referenced in NEC® Table 110.28 that protects against corrosive agents. All gasketed enclosures must be arranged with a weep hole to discharge condensation.
(5) For the purposes of NEC® 555.32, gasketed enclosures are only required for wet locations.
(6) For the purposes of NEC® 555.34, the following wiring methods are allowed:
(a) All wiring installed in a damp or wet location must be suitable for wet locations.
(b) Extra-hard usage portable power cables rated not less than 75°C, 600 volts, listed for wet locations and sunlight resistance and having an outer jacket rated for the environment are permitted. Portable power cables are permitted as a permanent wiring method under or within docks and piers or where provided with physical protection. The requirements of NEC® 555.34 (B)(3)(b) do not apply.
(c) Overhead wiring must be installed at the perimeter of areas where boats are moored, stored, moved, or serviced to avoid possible contact with masts and other parts of boats. NEC® Article 398 open wiring on insulators is not an approved wiring method in or above any portion of a marina or docking facility.
(d) For the purposes of NEC® 555.34 (B)(4), the wiring methods of Chapter 3 NEC® will be permitted.
Floating Buildings.
(8) Where shore power is provided, a disconnecting means must be located within sight of each floating building or similar facility. The disconnecting means must be installed adjacent to but not in or on the floating building or similar facility.
(9) NEC® 555.53 is amended to read: The overcurrent protective de-vice(s) that supply the floating building shall have ground-fault protection not exceeding 30 mA.
(10) Conductors operating in excess of 600 volts, nominal may not be installed on floating portions of a floating building or similar facility.
In Washington, which of the following is true regarding a commercial docking facility?
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