WAC 296-46B-210 Branch circuits not over 1,000 volts ac, 1,500 volts dc nominal.

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WAC 296-46B-210 Wiring and protection — Branch circuits.

008(A) Dwelling units GFCI requirements.

(1) In a garage or unfinished basement, a red receptacle, with a red cover plate, supplying a fire alarm system is not required to have ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection. The receptacle must be identified for use only with the fire alarm system by an identification plate or engraved cover with letters at least ¼ inch high.

(2) All fixed electrical equipment with exposed grounded metal parts within an enclosed shower area or within five feet of the top inside edge of a bathtub must have ground fault circuit interrupter protection.

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WAC 296-46B-210 Branch circuits not over 1,000 volts ac, 1,500 volts dc nominal.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

In Washington, which of the following is true in order to install a receptacle in a garage without GFCI protection?

A: It must be rated at least 20 amps.
B: It must be installed to serve a freezer.
C: Either the receptacle or cover plate must be red.
D: It must be a red receptacle, with a red cover plate, supplying a fire alarm system.
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