NFPA 70E 90.4 Standard Arrangement.

Figure 90.4. NFPA 70E has an introduction, 3 Chapters and several informative annexes.
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Figure 90.4. NFPA 70E has an introduction, 3 Chapters and several informative annexes.

As mentioned in the foreword to NFPA 70E, “The NEC® is intended for use primarily by those who design, install, and inspect electrical installations. Most of the NEC® requirements are not electrical safety–related work practices, electrical system maintenance, or directly related to employee safety”.

NFPA 70E is often referred to as the ‘how to’ standard. NFPA 70E addresses safety while the NEC® (National Electrical Code) provides rules on installing code compliant electrical systems.

NFPA 70E is often used by electrical contractors and electricians when they need additional information on how to comply with OSHA’s regulations. The NEC® and NFPA 70E are updated every 3 years stay current on changes in technology that electricians need to be aware of.

It is important to understand how NFPA 70E is laid out. The first edition of NFPA 70E was published in 1979 and included only Part I, Installation Safety Requirements. Now, NFPA 70E has an introduction, 3 Chapters and several informative annexes (see image which is a recreation of Figure 90.4).

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NFPA 70E 90.4 Standard Arrangement.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Refer to the image:

Which of the following is true regarding NFPA 70E?

A: Chapter 3 contains Informative Annexes.
B: Informative annexes are mandatory.
C: Informative annexes are NOT mandatory.
D: Chapter 1 addresses safety-related maintenance requirements.
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