Code Change Summary: New code section provides requirements for the equipotential bonding of splash pads.
In the 2023 NEC®, Section 680.54(C) was added to provide clarity on where equipotential bonding of splash pads begins and ends.
According to the Article 100 definition, a splash pad is a fountain intended for recreational use by pedestrians and designed to contain no more than 1 inch of water depth.
According to 680.50(A)(2), splash pads must comply with the requirements in 680.26 which provides requirements for equipotential bonding including perimeter surfaces around a splash pad.
During the 2023 NEC® development process, a public input was accepted to clear up any confusion as to where a splash pads perimeter surfaces stop since many splash pads are a continuation of the nearby area concrete with no visible boundary.
The new code language in 680.54(C) attempts to provide an explanation of a splash pad boundary for the purpose of equipotential bonding required in 680.26. According to the new code language, the shell of a splash pad shall comprise the area traversed by pedestrians bounded by the extent of the footing of the splash pad and rising to its exposed surface(s) and its collection basin area. The boundary of this area shall be considered to be the inside wall for the purpose of perimeter bonding.
Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.
2020 Code Language:
This code section did not exist.
2023 Code Language:
N 680.54(C) Equipotential Bonding of Splash Pads. For the purpose of equipotential bonding, the shell of a splash pad shall comprise the area traversed by pedestrians bounded by the extent of the footing of the splash pad and rising to its exposed surface(s) and its collection basin area. The boundary of this area shall be considered to be the inside wall for the purpose of perimeter bonding.
According to the language in 680.54(C), which of the following is true?
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