517.22 Demand Factors.

Tables 220.110(1) and 220.120(2) provide demand factors for receptacles supplied by general purpose branch circuits in specific patient care spaces.
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Tables 220.110(1) and 220.120(2) provide demand factors for receptacles supplied by general purpose branch circuits in specific patient care spaces.

Code Change Summary: A new section references demand factors permitted in accordance with new tables in Article 220.

In the 2023 NEC®, new section 517.22 was added to permit demand factors for receptacle loads supplied by branch circuits not exceeding 150 volts to ground, and installed in Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, and Category 4 patient care spaces. The new code section references NEC® Section 220.110 where two new tables provide the demand factors permitted to be used for receptacle load calculations in health care facilities.

During the 2023 NEC® first draft meetings, a technical study was submitted along with a public input in favor of adopting the demand factors in two new tables proposed for Article 517. The study showed wide discrepancies between current demand factors and data collected at multiple locations under various real-world conditions which leads to oversizing of feeders associated with these systems.

According to the public input, the new code language intends to reduce oversizing of hospital electrical systems.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2020 Code Language:

This code section did not exist.

2023 Code Language:

N 517.22 Demand Factors. Demand factors for receptacle loads supplied by branch circuits not exceeding 150 volts to ground and installed in Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, and Category 4 patient care spaces shall be in accordance with 220.110.

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517.22 Demand Factors.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Refer to the image of Table 220.110(1) in red.

Which demand factor applies to the first 5000 VA of receptacle load?

A: 100%.
B: 50%.
C: 25%.
D: 10%.
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