406.9(A) & (B) Receptacles in Damp or Wet Locations.

Hinged covers of outlet box hoods (installed in wet or damp locations) must be able to open at least 90 degrees, or fully open if the cover is not designed to open 90 degrees from the closed to open position.
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Hinged covers of outlet box hoods (installed in wet or damp locations) must be able to open at least 90 degrees, or fully open if the cover is not designed to open 90 degrees from the closed to open position.

Code Change Summary: New requirements added to address the opening of outlet box hoods.

In the 2023 NEC®, Sections 406.9(A) which covers outlet box hoods in damp locations, and 406.9(B) which covers outlet box hoods in wet locations, were revised to ensure the box hoods can open sufficiently.

The additional text requires hinged covers of outlet box hoods (installed in wet or damp locations) to be able to open at least 90 degrees, or fully open if the cover is not designed to open 90 degrees from the closed to open position, after installation.

Before this code change, an outlet box hood might not be able to fully open if mounted on a box connected by a short offset nipple directly under another box or panelboard cabinet that obstructs the range of motion needed to allow the outlet box hood to fully open.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2020 Code Language:

Section 406.9(A) and (B) did not specifically address the opening of hinged covers on outlet box hoods.

2023 Code Language:

406.9(A) and (B). Hinged covers of outlet box hoods shall be able to open at least 90 degrees, or fully open if the cover is not designed to open 90 degrees from the closed to open position, after installation.

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406.9(A) & (B) Receptacles in Damp or Wet Locations.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on the 2023 NEC, which of the following is true of outlet box hoods installed in wet locations?

A: Outlet box hoods shall be able to open at least 60 degrees.
B: Hinged covers of outlet box hoods shall be able to open at least 180 degrees.
C: Hinged covers of outlet box hoods shall be able to open at least 90 degrees, or fully open if the cover is not designed to open 90 degrees from the closed to open position, after installation.
D: Hinged covers of outlet box hoods shall open horizontally.
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