Article 371 Flexible Bus Systems.

Flexible bus systems use a flat braided insulated conductor that provides greater flexibility than busduct without the bending radius limitations typical cables have.
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Flexible bus systems use a flat braided insulated conductor that provides greater flexibility than busduct without the bending radius limitations typical cables have.

Code Change Summary: New Article for Flexible Bus Systems.

In the 2023 NEC®, New Article 371 was added to provide requirements for Flexible Bus Systems.

According to Article 100 definitions, flexible bus systems are an assembly of flexible insulated bus, with a system of associated fittings used to secure, support, and terminate the bus.

Flexible bus systems use a flat braided insulated conductor that provides greater flexibility than busduct without the bending radius limitations typical cables have. Flexible bus systems are engineered systems designed for a specific site location and are ordinarily assembled on site with the components furnished or specified by the manufacturer.

Highlights from new Article 371 include:

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Article 371 Flexible Bus Systems.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on the 2023 NEC, which of the following is permitted for flexible bus systems?

A: It can be used in air handling spaces.
B: It can be used for services, feeders, and branch circuits.
C: It can be used in hoistways.
D: It can be used where subject to physical damage.
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