240.2 Reconditioned Equipment.

Molded case circuit breakers are NOT permitted to be reconditioned.
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Molded case circuit breakers are NOT permitted to be reconditioned.

Code Change Summary: A new code section on reconditioned equipment.

In the 2023 NEC®, the previous sections in Article 240 providing rules on reconditioned equipment have been relocated to new Section 240.2. The definitions previously located in Section 240.2 were moved to Article 100.

Section 240.2 now contains rules on reconditioned equipment previously located in 240.62 and 240.88 as well as new language prohibiting the reconditioning of ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) and equipment providing ground-fault protection of equipment (GFPE).

New Section 240.2(A) provides a 5-item list of equipment NOT permitted to be reconditioned including:

  1. Equipment providing GFPE
  2. GFCI’s
  3. Low-voltage fuseholders and low-voltage nonrenewable fuses
  4. Molded-case circuit breakers
  5. Low-voltage power circuit breaker electronic trip units

New Section 240.2(B) provides a 2-item list of equipment permitted to be reconditioned including:

  1. Low-voltage power circuit breakers
  2. Electromechanical protective relays and current transformers

Keep in mind that there are differences between molded case circuit breakers and low-voltage power circuit breakers. There are some large frame molded case circuit breakers that one may mistake as a low-voltage power circuit breaker.

Reconditioned equipment covered in Section 240.2(B) must be listed as reconditioned and comply with Section 110.21(A)(2) which means it must have the original listing mark removed or made permanently illegible, and include the following markings:

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2020 Code Language:

See Section 240.62 on Reconditioned Equipment.

See Section 240.88 on Reconditioned Equipment.

2023 Code Language:

N 240.2 Reconditioned Equipment.

(A) Reconditioning Not Permitted. The following equipment shall not be reconditioned:

(1) Equipment providing ground-fault protection of equipment

(2) Ground-fault circuit interrupters

(3) Low-voltage fuseholders and low-voltage nonrenewable fuses

(4) Molded-case circuit breakers

(5) Low-voltage power circuit breaker electronic trip units

(B) Reconditioning Permitted. The following equipment shall be permitted to be reconditioned:

(1) Low-voltage power circuit breakers

(2) Electromechanical protective relays and current transformers

Reconditioned equipment shall be listed as reconditioned and comply with 110.21(A)(2).

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240.2 Reconditioned Equipment.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on new Section 240.2, which of the following is true of reconditioned equipment?

A: Equipment providing GFPE protection is NOT permitted to be reconditioned.
B: GFCI devices are permitted to be reconditioned.
C: GFPE devices are permitted to be reconditioned.
D: Molded case circuit breakers are permitted to be reconditioned.
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