210.12 AFCI Protection.

Branch/Feeder AFCI, Outlet Branch-Circuit-type AFCI, System Combination type AFCI.
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Branch/Feeder AFCI, Outlet Branch-Circuit-type AFCI, System Combination type AFCI.

Code Change Summary: AFCI protection requirements have been reorganized for easier use.

Other than the inclusion of 10-amp branch circuits, the previous requirements for arc-fault circuit-interrupter protection (AFCI) are still the same, but the code sections have been completely restructured for clarity and ease of use.

The previous text from 210.12(A) provided a laundry list (in paragraph form) of 14 rooms or areas in a dwelling where 15- and 20-amp, single-phase, 120-volt branch circuits supplying outlets or devices required AFCI protection.

In the 2023 NEC®, those 14 rooms or areas have been put into a numeric list and moved to Section 210.12(B) titled “Dwelling Units”. The only significant change besides the restructuring is that 10 ampere branch circuits are now included as a result of a movement to introduce 14 AWG copper-clad aluminum conductors into the NEC® for branch circuit wiring.

Section 210.12(A) is now titled “Means of Protection” and includes the remaining AFCI protection methods previously located in that section with only a few editorial changes.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2023 Code Language:

210.12 Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection. Arc-fault circuit-interrupter (AFCI) protection shall be installed in accordance with 210.12(B) through (E) by any of the means described in 210.12(A)(1) through (A)(6). The AFCI shall be listed and installed in a readily accessible location.

(A) Means of Protection. AFCI protection shall be provided by any of the following means:

(1) A listed combination-type AFCI installed to provide protection of the entire branch circuit.

(2) A listed branch/feeder-type AFCI installed at the origin of the branch-circuit in combination with a listed outlet branch-circuit-type AFCI installed on the branch circuit at the first outlet box, which shall be marked to indicate that it is the first outlet of the branch circuit.

(3) A listed supplemental arc protection circuit breaker installed at the origin of the branch circuit in combination with a listed outlet branch-circuit-type AFCI installed on the branch circuit at the first outlet box if all of the following conditions are met:

a. The branch-circuit wiring shall be continuous from the branch-circuit overcurrent device to the outlet branch-circuit AFCI.

b. The maximum length of the branch-circuit wiring from the branch-circuit overcurrent device to the first outlet shall not exceed 50 feet for a 14 AWG conductor or 70 feet for a 12 AWG conductor.

c. The first outlet box shall be marked to indicate that it is the first outlet of the branch circuit.

(4) A listed outlet branch-circuit-type AFCI installed on the branch circuit at the first outlet in combination with a listed branch-circuit overcurrent protective device if all of the following conditions are met:

a. The branch-circuit wiring shall be continuous from the branch-circuit overcurrent device to the outlet branch-circuit AFCI.

b. The maximum length of the branch-circuit wiring from the branch-circuit overcurrent device to the first outlet shall not exceed 50 feet for a 14 AWG conductor or 70 feet for a 12 AWG conductor.

c. The first outlet box shall be marked to indicate that it is the first outlet of the branch circuit.

d. The combination of the branch-circuit overcurrent device and outlet branch-circuit AFCI shall be identified as meeting the requirements for a system combination-type AFCI and listed as such.

(5) If metal raceway, metal wireways, metal auxiliary gutters, or Type MC or Type AC cable meeting the applicable requirements of 250.118, with metal boxes, metal conduit bodies, and metal enclosures are installed for the portion of the branch circuit between the branch-circuit overcurrent device and the first outlet, it shall be permitted to install a listed outlet branch-circuit-type AFCI at the first outlet to provide protection for the remaining portion of the branch circuit.

(6) Where a listed metal or nonmetallic conduit or tubing or Type MC cable is encased in not less than 2 inches of concrete for the portion of the branch circuit between the branch-circuit overcurrent device and the first outlet, it shall be permitted to install a listed outlet branch-circuit-type AFCI at the first outlet to provide protection for the remaining portion of the branch circuit.

N 210.12(B) Dwelling Units. All 120-volt, single-phase, 10-, 15-, and 20-ampere branch circuits supplying outlets or devices installed in the following locations shall be protected by any of the means described in 210.12(A)(1) through (A)(6):

(1) Kitchens

(2) Family rooms

(3) Dining rooms

(4) Living rooms

(5) Parlors

(6) Libraries

(7) Dens

(8) Bedrooms

(9) Sunrooms

(10) Recreation rooms

(11) Closets

(12) Hallways

(13) Laundry areas

(14) Similar areas

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210.12 AFCI Protection.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on the 2023 NEC, which of the following is true of AFCI protection?

A: It applies to 50-amp branch circuits.
B: It applies to 40-amp branch circuits.
C: It applies to 30-amp branch circuits.
D: 10 ampere branch circuits are now included in 210.12.
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