Code Change Summary: A new definition of the word “Servicing” was added to Article 100.
During the development of the 2023 NEC®, a Public Input from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) was accepted to add a definition of the word Servicing” to Article 100.
Servicing can consist of maintaining or repairing and includes following the equipment manufacturer's instructions or applicable industry standards to analyze, adjust, or perform prescribed actions upon the equipment with the intention to preserve or restore the operational performance of the equipment.
The reasoning behind the proposal for the definition was to eliminate the confusion between what is considered reconditioning versus normal servicing, maintenance and repair.
NEC Article 100 defines “Reconditioned” as “Electromechanical systems, equipment, apparatus, or components that are restored to operating conditions. This process differs from normal servicing of equipment that remains within a facility, or replacement of listed equipment on a one-to-one basis”.
The word “servicing” is included in the NEC® Article 100 definition of the term “Reconditioned”, but until now, the NEC® has not defined the term “Servicing” which has created confusion in the field.
NEMA publication CS 100-2020 provides their technical position on reconditioned equipment, which includes clarification on the proper application of rules related to reconditioning.
According to the NEMA publication, “Normal servicing is the process of following a manufacturer’s set of instructions to analyze, adjust, and/or perform prescribed actions upon equipment with the intention to preserve or restore the operational performance of the equipment. Servicing often encompasses maintenance and repair activities”.
“Maintenance is the process of reviewing the operational performance of equipment according to a time-based, use-based, or performance-based schedule and providing any service to the equipment”.
“Repair is the process of restoring the designed performance of non-functional equipment to operational condition through replacement of damaged integral components, and/or service actions for use in the entity from which it was removed”.
Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.
2020 Code Language:
This definition did not exist.
2023 Code Language:
N Servicing. The process of following a manufacturer's set of instructions or applicable industry standards to analyze, adjust, or perform prescribed actions upon equipment with the intention to preserve or restore the operational performance of the equipment.
Based on the 2023 NEC, which of the following is true?
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