Code Change Summary: New definitions of a permanently installed pool and a storable pool were added to Article 100.
In the 2023 NEC®, the previous definitions of “Permanently Installed Swimming, Wading, Immersion, and Therapeutic Pools”, and “Storable Pool” found in Section 680.2 were reworded and moved to Article 100.
A permanently installed pool is constructed or installed in the ground or partially in the ground. It also includes all pools installed inside of a building, even if they are not supplied by electrical circuits.
A storable pool is installed entirely on or above the ground and intended to be stored when not in use. It is designed for ease of relocation, regardless of water depth.
The previous definitions left gray areas for above ground pools capable of holding water to a depth greater than 42 inches that were intended to be “storable”.
Technically, if an above ground pool could hold water to a depth of not more than 42 inches, then it was considered a “storable pool” which had lesser NEC® requirements to comply with than a pool that was “permanently installed”. Those above ground pools that could hold water to a depth higher than 42 inches were considered “permanently installed” pools which must comply with Part II of Article 680 containing more stringent requirements including equipotential bonding of perimeter surfaces.
The likelihood of permanency and dimensional size issue has been debated for years in the electrical industry for “storable pools”.
Many have felt that a dimensional cut-off point must exist. Not all above ground pools are used in a temporary or “storable” fashion. Some excavation can be required, and decks are often added after installation.
In some cities, a large percentage of “storable pools” are installed and never taken down until they start leaking leak or fall down.
Regardless of water depth, the same hazards can exist whether a pool can hold 42 inches of water or 43 inches of water. Electricity does not care how deep the water is.
Similar revisions were made to the definition of “Storable Spa or Hot Tub”.
Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.
2020 Code Language:
680.2 Definitions.
Permanently Installed Swimming, Wading, Immersion, and Therapeutic Pools. Those that are constructed in the ground or partially in the ground, and all others capable of holding water in a depth greater than 42 inches, and all pools installed inside of a building, regardless of water depth, whether or not served by electrical circuits of any nature.
Storable Swimming, Wading, or Immersion Pools; or Storable/Portable Spas and Hot Tubs. Swimming, wading, or immersion pools that are intended to be stored when not in use, constructed on or above the ground and are capable of holding water to a maximum depth of 42 inches, or a pool, spa, or hot tub constructed on or above the ground, with nonmetallic, molded polymeric walls or inflatable fabric walls regardless of dimension.
2023 Code Language:
Article 100 Definitions:
N Pool, Permanently Installed Swimming, Wading, Immersion, and Therapeutic. (Permanently Installed Swimming, Wading, Immersion, and Therapeutic Pools). Those that are constructed or installed in the ground or partially in the ground, and all pools installed inside of a building, whether or not served by electrical circuits of any nature. (680)
N Pool, Storable; used for Swimming, Wading, or Immersion (Storable Immersion Pool). (Storable Pool). Pools installed entirely on or above the ground that are intended to be stored when not in use and are designed for ease of relocation, regardless of water depth. (680)
Based on the 2023 NEC, which of the following is a “storable pool”?
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