Be ready when the inspector arrives for the emergency lighting test.
According to NEC® 700.3(A), emergency lighting (EM) systems are required to be tested by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) (the inspector) when the system is first installed on sight. This function test will also be required when emergency lighting systems are modified, retrofitted, or replaced during remodel work. The emergency lighting function test is done by the AHJ near the final inspection before the certificate of occupancy is issued.
Additionally, most jurisdictions have annual fire inspections done by the Fire Marshal even after the initial final certificate of occupancy has been issued.
The first time the emergency lighting system is tested during a remodel or in new construction should not be when the inspector arrives for the emergency lighting inspection. By the time the inspector shows up to test the emergency lighting system, the electrician should have already tested it several times and worked out any potential issues.
All too often an inspector is called out by the permit holder for a final inspection (which involves testing the emergency lighting system) and finds that many of the emergency luminaires are not illuminating when a power outage is simulated. The inspector will typically go straight to the electrical panel, look for any circuit breakers required to be labeled to identify the emergency lighting circuits per NEC® 700.10(A), and switch them off to simulate a power outage. The inspector then walks around the building with the approved plans in hand and compares the number of emergency luminaires shown on the plans with what is actually installed. The inspector is also looking to see if they illuminate upon loss of normal power as intended.
Every week electrical inspectors are called out for final inspections only to find that the electrician never even walked through the building themselves to test the emergency lighting system before the electrician called for the inspection. It becomes nothing more than an embarrassing situation where the inspector basically documents every emergency luminaire that hasn’t yet been opened up by the electrician to have the battery leads connected internally and isn’t illuminating as intended.
When the inspector is called out to perform an emergency lighting test, it should be after the electrician has already walked from room to room testing the emergency lighting system and fixed any initial problems that were found. The inspector will be frustrated if asked to walk around testing an emergency lighting system and to make a checklist for the electrician of all emergency luminaires that fail. This is the job of the electrician. The inspector is there simply to double check what the electrician has already verified.
Below is a preview of the NEC® (NFPA 70). See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the edition of the NEC® being enforced.
NEC 700.3 Tests and Maintenance.
700.3(A) Conduct or Witness Test. The authority having jurisdiction shall conduct or witness a test of the complete system upon installation and periodically afterward.
700.3(B) Tested Periodically. Systems shall be tested periodically on a schedule approved by the authority having jurisdiction to ensure the systems are maintained in proper operating condition.
700.3(C) Maintenance. Emergency system equipment shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturer instructions and industry standards.
700.3(D) Written Record. A written record shall be kept of such tests and maintenance.
700.3(E) Testing Under Load. Means for testing all emergency lighting and power systems during maximum anticipated load conditions shall be provided.
Which of the following is true for emergency lighting systems?
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