Types of Construction. Types I and II.

IBC table 601 provides the fire-resistance rating requirements for building elements (in hours).
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IBC table 601 provides the fire-resistance rating requirements for building elements (in hours).

Be aware of the Type of Construction of the building when installing electrical systems!

NEC Chapter 3 does not permit certain wiring methods to be installed in buildings of Type I or II construction unless special rules are followed.

NEC Section 334.10(5) for example only allows Type NM, NMC, or NMS Nonmetallic Sheathed Cable to be installed in Types I and II construction, where installed within raceways permitted to be installed in Types I and II construction.

It would be a huge mistake to install miles of Nonmetallic Sheathed Cable in the walls or above a suspended ceiling in a building required to be built using Type I or II construction without following the rules in NEC® Article 334.

There are several construction types covered in the building code. IBC chapter 6 classifies the five different construction types most used for buildings.

IBC Section 602.1 requires buildings and structures that are erected or to be erected, altered or extended in height or area, to be classified in one of the five construction types defined in Sections 602.2 through 602.5. The building elements must have a fire resistance rating not less than that specified in Table 601 and exterior walls must have a fire-resistance rating not less than that specified in Table 705.5.

Where required to have a fire-resistance rating by Table 601, building elements must comply with the applicable provisions of Section 703.2.

Types I and II construction are those types of construction in which the building elements specified in Table 601 (see image) are of noncombustible materials, except as permitted in Section 603 and elsewhere in this code.

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Types of Construction. Types I and II.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Refer to the image of IBC Table 601:

What is the fire-resistance rating requirement for an interior bearing wall in a Type IIA building?

A: 0 hours.
B: 3 hours.
C: 2 hours.
D: 1 hour.
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