352.12 Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Conduit: Type PVC. Uses Not Permitted.

In MA, rigid nonmetallic conduit is not permitted in buildings higher than 70 feet above mean grade unless specific guidelines are followed.
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In MA, rigid nonmetallic conduit is not permitted in buildings higher than 70 feet above mean grade unless specific guidelines are followed.

MA amendments.

352.12 Uses Not Permitted.

PVC conduit shall not be used under the conditions specified in 352.12(A) through (F).

352.12. Add a new (F) to read as follows:

(F) High-Rise Buildings. Where used in buildings more than 21 m (70 ft) above mean grade, rigid nonmetallic conduit shall not be used unless the building is protected by an approved fire sprinkler system(s) installed on all floors as a complete system, or the conduit is concealed behind a thermal barrier as described in 362.10(2) or 362.10(5), or the conduit is encased in not less than 50 mm (2 in.) of concrete.

Click here to see the Massachusetts amendments to the 2023 NEC®.

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352.12 Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Conduit: Type PVC. Uses Not Permitted.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

In order to use PVC conduit in a high rise building in Massachusetts, which of the following is true?

A: The building must exceed 70 feet above mean grade.
B: One option for a building more than 70 feet above mean grade would be to install the PVC conduit in a building protected by an approved fire sprinkler system installed on all floors as a complete system.
C: One option for a building more than 70 feet above mean grade would be to install the PVC conduit in a building protected by fire extinguishers.
D: One option for a building more than 70 feet above mean grade would be to encase the PVC conduit in no more than 1 inch of concrete.
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