344.6 Rigid Metal Conduit. Listing Requirements.

Aluminum RMC is a nonferrous raceway.
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Aluminum RMC is a nonferrous raceway.

MA amendments.

344.6 Listing Requirements.

RMC, factory elbows and couplings, and associated fittings shall be listed.

344.6. Add an exception as follows:

Exception: Rigid metal conduit made from nonferrous metals other than aluminum shall be permitted to be approved.

Click here to see the Massachusetts amendments to the 2023 NEC®.

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344.6 Rigid Metal Conduit. Listing Requirements.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Which of the following is true regarding rigid metal conduit (RMC) as amended in Massachusetts?

A: Aluminum RMC elbows are NOT required to be listed.
B: Aluminum RMC is NOT required to be listed.
C: Galvanized ferrous steel RMC can be either listed or approved.
D: Rigid metal conduit made from nonferrous metals other than aluminum shall be permitted to be approved.
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