Texas Laws and Rules 73.10. Definitions.

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Here are a few select definitions from 73.10:

The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(12) Electrical Sign Contractor--A person, or entity, licensed as an electrical sign contractor, that is in the business of performing "Electrical Sign Contracting" as defined by Texas Occupations Code, §1305.002(9).

(13) Master Sign Electrician--An individual, licensed as a master sign electrician, who, on behalf of an electrical sign contractor, performs "Electrical Sign Work" as defined in paragraph (18).

(14) Journeyman Sign Electrician--An individual, licensed as a journeyman sign electrician, who works under the general supervision of a master electrician or a master sign electrician, on behalf of an electrical sign contractor, while performing “Electrical Sign Work” as defined in paragraph (18).

(15) Residential Wireman--An individual, licensed as a residential wireman, who works under the general supervision of a master electrician, on behalf of an electrical contractor, or employing governmental entity, while performing electrical work that is limited to electrical installations in single family and multifamily dwellings not exceeding four stories, as defined by Texas Occupations Code, §1305.002(13).

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Texas Laws and Rules 73.10. Definitions.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Someone working under the general supervision of a master electrician, on behalf of an electrical contractor, while performing electrical work that is limited to electrical installations in single family dwellings is considered a _______.

A: Residential Wireman.
B: Journeyman Sign Electrician.
C: Master Sign Electrician.
D: Electrical Sign Contractor.
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