230.75 Disconnection of Grounded Conductor.

The section containing the neutral disconnect link must be marked.
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The section containing the neutral disconnect link must be marked.

Code Change Summary: Additional code language will help to point out which section of the electrical equipment contains the neutral disconnect link.

A disconnect for the grounded conductor, or “neutral disconnect link”, can be in the form of a busbar or, a terminal to which the neutral conductor is connected inside smaller equipment. Removal of the neutral disconnect link is often necessary when performance testing the electrical equipment and is a specific requirement in the manufacturer’s testing instructions if the switchgear has equipment ground-fault protection (GFPE). This testing should be done before the system is energized.

After the neutral disconnect link is removed, a performance test can be done to verify that there are no neutral to ground connections made on the load side of the main service disconnect in accordance with NEC® 250.24(A)(5).

The code change makes it clear that in a multisection switchboard or switchgear, the neutral disconnect link is permitted to be located in any section of the switchboard or switchgear, as long as the switchboard or switchgear section is marked to indicate a neutral disconnect link is located within.

Below is a preview of Article 230. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2017 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2014 Code Language:

230.75 Disconnection of Grounded Conductor. In a multisection switchboard or switchgear, disconnects for the grounded conductor shall be permitted to be in any section of the switchboard or switchgear, provided that any such switchboard or switchgear section is marked.

2017 Code Language:

230.75 Disconnection of Grounded Conductor. In a multisection switchboard or switchgear, disconnects for the grounded conductor shall be permitted to be in any section of the switchboard or switchgear, if the switchboard or switchgear section is marked to indicate a grounded conductor disconnect is located within.

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230.75 Disconnection of Grounded Conductor.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Which of the following is true regarding the neutral disconnect link?

A: Its location must be marked, even in a single section switchgear installation.
B: It can be installed in any section of a multisection switchgear as long as the switchgear section is marked to indicate a grounded conductor disconnect is located within.
C: A neutral disconnect link is required for all commercial panelboards.
D: A neutral disconnect link is required for all residential panelboards.
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