Article 100 Definitions. Field Evaluation Body (FEB) and Field Labeled.

This luminaire was field evaluated after the inspector noticed that it was not listed.
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This luminaire was field evaluated after the inspector noticed that it was not listed.

Code Change Summary: Two new definitions were added regarding the field evaluation and field labeling process for unlisted or unlabeled equipment.

Field Evaluation Body,” and “Field Labeled” are new terms that will be referenced in other code sections throughout the NEC®.

Example: Section 690.4(B), requires PV equipment to be listed or Field Labeled.

In the event that unlisted or unlabeled PV equipment is installed, A Field Evaluation Body or FEB, can perform an onsite evaluation of the product to verify that it complies with certain product safety standards that are required for listed equipment. After the field evaluation is performed by the FEB, the product or equipment is then “Field Labeled”. The FEB will place a symbol or other identifying mark on the equipment to indicate that the product complies with the requirements in the standard and a field evaluation report will be made available to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Often, this entire process occurs without the physical presence of the AHJ. When the AHJ rejects an inspection because the equipment was not listed, they will return later for a re-inspect and find that listing labels have been field applied. The question is, who applied the labels and was a true field evaluation really ever done? The report given by the FEB is proof that a qualified third party agency performed the field evaluation and applied the labels.

Without these new definitions, some might think that anyone can field apply listing labels to unlisted or unlabeled equipment that has been installed in the field.

It is important to understand that when a manufacturer is approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) to apply listing labels to a certain product, the approval to apply labels is only given to the facility where the product is created. It is illegal for the manufacturer to send labels into the field for their technician to field apply in the event that a label was not applied at the shop before the equipment was sent to the job site.

Below is a preview of Article 100. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2017 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2017 Code Language:

Field Evaluation Body (FEB): An organization or part of an organization that performs field evaluations of electrical or other equipment. [790, 2012]. (CMP-1)

Field Labeled (as applied to evaluated products): Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an FEB indicating the equipment or materials were evaluated and found to comply with requirements as described in an accompanying field evaluation report. [790, 2012]. (CMP-1)

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Article 100 Definitions. Field Evaluation Body (FEB) and Field Labeled.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Who is permitted to perform a field evaluation of unlisted or unlabeled electrical equipment?

A: The inspector.
B: The manufacturer of the product.
C: The electrician.
D: The Field Evaluation Body.
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