210.23 Permissible Loads, Multiple-Outlet Branch Circuits.

10-amp branch circuits are permitted to supply dwelling unit exhaust fans on bathroom or laundry room lighting circuits.
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10-amp branch circuits are permitted to supply dwelling unit exhaust fans on bathroom or laundry room lighting circuits.

Code Change Summary: New language added on permitted loads for 10-amp branch circuits.

The revisions occurring in 2023 NEC® Section 210.18 establish that 10-amp branch circuits are now permitted, and mention that they are not allowed to supply receptacles. Revised Section 210.23 provides additional information on what those 10-amp branch circuits can or cannot be used for.

In the 2023 NEC®, Section 210.23(A)(1) permits a 10-amp branch circuit to supply the following loads:

Section 210.23(A)(2) prohibits a 10-amp branch circuit from supplying any of the following loads:

Another notable change in Section 210.23 was the renumbering and the addition of the word “outlets” in Section 210.23(B). Previously, this language was in 210.23(A) and permitted 15- or 20-ampere branch circuits to supply “lighting units” or other utilization equipment.

Now, 15- or 20-ampere branch circuits are permitted to supply lighting outlets, lighting units or other utilization equipment.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2020 Code Language:

210.23 Permissible Loads, Multiple-Outlet Branch Circuits. In no case shall the load exceed the branch-circuit ampere rating. A branch circuit supplying two or more outlets or receptacles shall supply only the loads specified according to its size as specified in 210.23(A) through (D) and as summarized in 210.24 and Table 210.24.

(A) 15- and 20-Ampere Branch Circuits. A 15- or 20-ampere branch circuit shall be permitted to supply lighting units or other utilization equipment, or a combination of both, and shall comply with 210.23(A)(1) and (A)(2).

2023 Code Language:

210.23 Permissible Loads, Multiple-Outlet Branch Circuits. In no case shall the load exceed the branch-circuit ampere rating. A branch circuit supplying two or more outlets or receptacles shall supply only the loads specified according to its size in accordance with 210.23(A) through (E) and as summarized in 210.24.

N (A) 10-Ampere Branch Circuits. A 10-ampere branch circuit shall comply with the requirements of 210.23(A)(1) and (A)(2).

N (1) Loads Permitted for 10-Ampere Branch Circuits. A 10-ampere branch circuit shall be permitted to supply one or more of the following:

(1) Lighting outlets

(2) Dwelling unit exhaust fans on bathroom or laundry room lighting circuits

(3) A gas fireplace unit supplied by an individual branch circuit

N (2) Loads Not Permitted for 10-Ampere Branch Circuits. A 10-ampere branch circuit shall not supply any of the following:

(1) Receptacle outlets

(2) Fixed appliances, except as permitted for individual branch circuits

(3) Garage door openers

(4) Laundry equipment

(B) 15- and 20-Ampere Branch Circuits. A 15- or 20-ampere branch circuit shall be permitted to supply lighting outlets, lighting units, or other utilization equipment, or any combination of them, and shall comply with 210.23(B)(1) and (B)(2).

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210.23 Permissible Loads, Multiple-Outlet Branch Circuits.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on the 2023 NEC, which of the following is true?

A: A 10-ampere branch circuit is permitted to supply laundry equipment.
B: A 10-ampere branch circuit is permitted to supply garage door openers.
C: A 10-ampere branch circuit is permitted to supply receptacles.
D: A 10-ampere branch circuit is permitted to supply lighting outlets.
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