210.8(D) Kitchen Dishwasher Branch Circuit.

Kitchen dishwashers installed in dwelling units require GFCI protection whether hard wired or cord and plug connected.
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Kitchen dishwashers installed in dwelling units require GFCI protection whether hard wired or cord and plug connected.

Code Change Summary: A new subsection was added regarding dwelling unit kitchen dishwashers.

Now, outlets that supply dwelling unit kitchen dishwashers must have GFCI protection.

There are 3 important points to understand in order to properly apply this new code section:

Below is a preview of the NEC®.  See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on the “free access” tab and select the applicable year of NFPA 70 (National Electrical code).

2014 Code Language:

210.8(D) Kitchen Dishwasher Branch Circuit. GFCI protection shall be provided for outlets that supply dishwashers installed in dwelling unit locations.

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210.8(D) Kitchen Dishwasher Branch Circuit.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Which of the following appliances requires GFCI protection?

A: A hard wired, dwelling unit kitchen waste disposer.
B: A hard wired, dwelling unit kitchen dishwasher.
C: A hard wired, dwelling unit kitchen trash compactor.
D: A hard wired, dwelling unit kitchen microwave.
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